Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Praying Big Prayers

Do you ever get into a routine and then realize that something's missing?  I don't expect myself to have a perfectly routine anything with Nolan and our days and weeks that are often similar but ever changing.  That includes reading my Bible and praying... It is a priority for me, but that doesn't mean it looks the same every day.  Today it felt like it has been a while since I prayed, and I remembered something we talked about in small group last month...

In our first small group of the year, Lisa brought a video she had found that was about praying big prayers.  We were challenged to think beyond the 'routine' prayers of "Keep them safe and healthy..." and to ask for big things.  I thought of one big thing that I wanted to pray for each of my family, and it seems now that even if I only have a few minutes to focus on praying before I'm off keeping Nolan out of danger, I have those top big things at the front of my brain, and it makes it easier to pray specific prayers for things that really matter.

Just thought I'd throw that out there.   

What are the big wild crazy things you'd like to see happen in your life or the lives of those you love? 

What tips do you have to share about keeping prayer a priority in your life?

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Thanx for the reminder to pray for big things. I have been feeling like all I have been praying for are the little thing...while important I feel it has been stagnant. Looking forward to being refreshed and amazed....already happened today:)