Sunday, April 26, 2015

A Blank Journal

Madeline gave me this beautiful journal this past Christmas. The girl knows what I love. And, it came with chocolate. Mmm.

A beautiful journal - ok, seriously, any new notebook - is hard to break in. There is something pristine about all those blank pages... All that potential. Once you make that first mark, it's gone, so deciding what to use it for can be tough. I've had notebooks sit blank on my shelf for years before using them.

I was happy to come up with a use for this one pretty quick, though, which is nice - it gets used pretty regularly instead of sitting untouched.  It has become a place to copy out verses I like.  Like these:

Sometimes Nolan helps.  Notice the red lines on a few of these?

Ok, some are nicer than others...  But God's Word - it's always beautiful.

Blessings on your Sabbath.  Rest well. 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Carolyn, I just came upon your blog today and love it. I recognized your name as I bought a wheat bag from you at Cathedral Village Arts Festival. Interesting and lovely how God works. Thank you for sharing your life and your faith.